Monday, July 20, 2009

Redware's Fish-2.0 Game

I just want to try embedding remote Java applets from inside Blogger/Blogspot. It seems to work, right? *Unfortunately applets can not be resized with plain HTML codes; and my current template is too small for it ... so here I'll go with an image and direct link to Scratch project page*

Scratch Project

I think this simple game is quite interesting and should be addressed in more details ... well o.k. maybe next time :-D. Now, according to the author (Redware), this can be built from scratch (of course using Scratch :-D ) in following simple stages:
  1. Create the shark sprite and control movement with the mouse

  2. Create the yellow fish sprite with random movement

  3. Add a variable to keep the score

  4. Get the yellowfish sprite to broadcase a message if it is eaten by the shark

  5. Add shark behaviour that receives a message when a yellowfish is eaten and animates the shark to look like it is feeding

  6. Make the yellow fish disappear when it is eaten and then reappear a few seconds later

  7. Duplicate the yellowfish sprite so that there are several fish in the game

  8. Add a red fish and more broadcast and receive behaviour for the shark to get indigestion

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